HPI Attends the Polish Model Festival
During the weekend of 24-25 November 2007, members of HPI Europe's sales and marketing teams attended the latest Model Festival in Lodz, Poland: Festiwal Modelstwa. The event was organized by HPI Poland and is in its 5th year of success. Nearly 15,000 visitors attended the model show, with schoolchildren making up nearly half of the crowd.
RC aircraft and model trains were also shown at the Model Festival, however most of the show space was occupied with RC truck and car models to wow and impress the visiting crowds.
One of the main attractions at the Model Festival was an international touring car race that featured several dozen racers from all over Poland and the surrounding areas. The racetrack was right next to the show stand area, so the crowd could pick up cars at the HPI stand and then watch them in action on the carpet track. The most popular brand of car at the race was Hot Bodies, with more than half of the racers choosing the Cyclone and Cyclone S touring car chassis!
Providing help for racers at the track was IFMAR ISTC World Champion Andy Moore, racing with Hot Bodies and Edit RC designer Adam Skelding. Andy and Adam raced and helped all the racers on from their pit areas on both days of the race. The racers appreciated the setup advice, equipment recommendations and general RC help from the pair. |
A public demonstration let any member of the public to give the HPI Micro RS4 a test drive – everyone was welcome to drive the Micro for a couple of laps, and at the end of each day the person with the fastest lap time won a free Micro car kit!
After the racing on Saturday, Andy and Adam conducted an RC workshop, including a question-and-answer session that was organized by the HPI Poland staff. This allowed over 30 racers to get more in-depth help in a classroom environment, getting help direct from top Hot Bodies racers! All the racers left with an expanded knowledge of RC racing, extra guidance for their racing efforts and direct advice from our World Championship-winning team.
One of the highlights of the RC workshop for the racers were setup sheets provided to them that included Andy's base carpet and tarmac setups, the perfect starting point for any racer looking to win! Click here for Andy's standard setups he takes with him to races around the world!
The racing concluded with the Finals on Sunday
Modified A Final Results
Pos No. Name
1 1 Andy MOORE
2 2 Lukasz KOWALCZYK
4 3 Patryk RACZYÑSKI
5 5 Maciej DWIGAJ
6 4 Norbert OMELAÑCZUK
7 7 Karol LATAWSKI
8 9 Arkadiusz GAJZLER
9 10 Andrzej TRELLA
10 6 Aureliusz CIECHALSKI
540 A Final Results
Pos No. Name
1 2 Pawe WRÓBEL
2 4 Morris INDOVINO
3 6 Karol MENDZA
5 1 Basej ORLOWSKI
6 9 Tomek TOKARZ
8 7 Daniel WDOWIÑSKI
9 5 Marcin FORTUNA
10 10 Pawe MICHALSKI
Spec A Final Results
Pos No. Name
1 2 Rafa PAJOR
2 4 Filip ZAREMBA
3 1 Juliusz WOLAK
4 5 Basej ORLOWSKI
5 8 Adam SMUK
6 3 Andrzej TRELLA
7 6 Pawe SKALEC
8 10 Daniel WDOWIÑSKI
9 7 Dominik WYSIKOWSKI
10 9 Jakub PIETRZAK
On the Monday after the Model Festival, Andy and Adam were scheduled to appear on a regional television information programme, where they answered several questions from the show host and showed off their cars. The show is called Dobry Wieczór, and the actual show can be watched online here.
The trip to Poland was a terrific success, with thousands of people interested in the RC hobby exposed to HPI and Hot Bodies models. Also, show visitors were able to see the skill and performance of Hot Bodies race cars in person and they got an opportunity to talk to and get autographs from Andy Moore. Finally, even more of the public were exposed to Hot Bodies with a prime-time interview on television!
We anticipate great success with our partnership with HPI Poland, and look forward to wonderful opportunities to expand the HPI and Hot Bodies brands into this exciting new market.